A global map of mental health research funding: Implications for research, policy and practice


A global map of mental health research funding: How will we use the evidence to inform research, policy and practice?


This interactive virtual session provided an early peek at the results from the IAMHRF's Global Funding Landscape Study, which contains detailed global map of the sources, destinations, priorities and amounts of mental health research spending between 2015 and 2019. We discussed how these new insights could be used across the mental health sector. Our panel of experts in research and development, public health policy, global mental health, and impact investment, facilitated key crucial debates with the aim of agreeing on practical next steps.


Dr Mark van Ommeren - Head of Mental Health Unit, WHO Department of Mental health and Substance Use

Dr Andrea Feigl - Founder & CEO, Health Finance Institute

Dr Marcus Nicol - Director, Health and Medical Research Office, Australian Government

Dr Jonathan Grant, Professor, Public Policy, King’s College London & Founder Director, Different Angles